Engagement Session Tips
It is time to start planning your first session! This is a great chance to meet you, and also for you to see how much fun we can have before the big wedding day! But I am sure, since this is the first time you’ve done this, you’re trying to figure out how to plan all of this.
Here are some tips to help you out!
What do I wear?
You want to make sure that you do not wear matching colors. I know it is a super classic look, but it’s also 2025 now. What is better is to wear complimentary colors or closely related colors. This will give you that classic “feel", without it looking like your 10-year-old family pictures.
Solid Colors and patterns, but not for both
It’s very important to make sure that you and your spouse choose who will be wearing the outfit with a pattern. If you want to wear polka dots, then they should wear a plain color. While each of you can wear a pattern, they need to be minimal patterns, or else you’ll get a clash of the patterns.
The more fun, the better!
This is a time for us to capture fun photos together. While you might be worried about making sure you wear the right things or are a little nervous about posing, don’t worry. This is going to be a fun session and we’re going to have a great time!